New cashew clonal germplasm was established at CRIN HQ
and Ochaja substation
- Seeds and seedlings of 25 superior genotypes, high yielding (10-13kg/tree/year) medium-sized nutswith superior flavor and apple skin/flesh colour selections have been supplied to farmers nation-wide.
- Appropriate site/soil selection packages for cashew cultivation and effective fertilizer regimes to correct mineral deficiencies have been developed.
- Effective seed propagation methods, establishment, spacing, pruning and intercropping have also been developed.
- Clonal and vegetatively propagated cashew as planting materials through marcotting technique have been established and recommended as an economically viable venture for adoption by farmers.
- Suitable fungicide and insecticide mixtures have been developed and successfully used to control incidence of ravaging inflorescence blight disease
- Cultural method such as farm sanitation involving removal of infested branches and physical method such as hand picking of immature stages of pests have been found to reduce cashew stem girdlers.
- Brazilian jumbo-sized nuts of prime value in the world market have been selected for evaluation and distribution amongst farmers.
- Assessment of factors responsible for cashew peelability problem in Nigeria and selection for peelable cashew genotypes was carried out in Enugu, Kogi and Oyo states.
- New cashew clonal germplasm was established at CRIN HQ and Ochaja substation.

Dr O.O Adeigbe
Cashew Programme Leader