About the Journal
JTCR is published by the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria. It is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that publishes in English language high-quality articles in all fields of tree crops research relating to Agronomy, Genetics & Breeding, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Soil & Plant Nutrition, Phytopathology, Entomology, Food Science & Value Addition, Economics, Extension, Machinery & Industrial Applications and ICT.
JTCR welcomes a timely submission of Original articles, Expert reviews, Short communications, Case studies, Surveys, Opinions, Commentaries and Essays in all fields within the scope of the journal that meets the general criteria of adding to scientific knowledge, innovations and scientific excellence.
Our objective is to ensure authors are informed of the decision on their manuscripts within a short time and their articles are published online within eight weeks of submission. Peer-reviewed papers will be published online immediately after acceptance.
JTCR is currently accepting manuscripts for publication and also seeking qualified and high-profile researchers to join its editorial team as editors, associate editors, editorial board members or reviewers. If you are interested in becoming one of the above please send your CV to us via an email to jtcreditor@crin.gov.ng or jtcresearch@gmail.com.
Editorial Board
- Prof. R.R Ipinmoroti- Editor in chief
- Prof. P.O Aikpokpodion- Member
- Dr. S.B Orisajo-
- Prof. M.O. Aliyu-
- Prof. T. O.. Adejumo-
- Prof. O.A Fatunbi
- Dr. Francis Padi
Editorial Advisers
- Dr. P.O Adebola
- Prof. A. I. O. Ayelaagbe
- Dr. Bertus Eskes
- Prof. S. O. Ojeniyi
- Prof. A.C Odebode