Agronomy and Soils
- CRIN has established Cocoa Seed Gardens in almost all the fourteen Cocoa-producing States in Nigeria. These are: Ondo, Cross River, Osun, Edo, Oyo, Ogun, Ekiti, Kwara, Kogi, Akwa-Ibom, Delta, Abia, Taraba and Adamawa States. This will assist in making CRIN extra early higher yielding cocoa variety available to all farmers.
- Suitable cropping system of CRIN mandate crops in combination with arable crops such as yam, cassava, cocoyam, maize, okra, cowpea, rice (at Uhonmora) and melon in different combinations at establishment stage (1-3 years) has resulted in weed suppression and provision of additional and early revenue for the farmers.
- Cocoa has been intercropped with other CRIN mandate crops (except tea) in appropriate poly cultures which has resulted in low incidence of pests and diseases and maintenance of high soil fertility.
- It has been found that high tea leaf harvest of good quality is guaranteed in the dry season by tea/eucalyptus intercrop for better soil management in tea gardens and to ensure that farmers' income does not diminish in the dry season.
- Evolution of appropriate field management practices has resulted in the production of effective and suitable cropping system in cocoa, cashew and coffee.
- On-farm adaptive research on the intercropping of cashew with cassava, maize and melon has been carried out in collaboration with some states Agricultural Development Programme (ADPs).
- Coffee has been intercropped with oil palm in hollow square arrangement which resulted in more venue and reduction of weed than the sole cropping.
- On invitation, many visits had been paid to farmers' farm all over the country to solve their problems.
- CRIN collaborated with Farmers' Agricultural Development Unit (FADU) for the establishment of on-farm adaptive research work at Elegunmefa in Ogun State and Elede Ominigbo in Ibarapa North Local Government Area of Oyo State.
- Some villages/schools were adopted in collaboration with Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) in order to demonstrate and showcase CRIN technologies. The adopted villages are Aba-Ago and Olubi in Oyo State. The adopted secondary schools are Prospect High School, Abanla, Oyo State and Mamu Community Comprehensive High School in Ogun State. This is to encourage adoption of CRIN research technologies and encourage participation of youths in agriculture.
- CRIN collaborated with Ogun State Agricultural Development Programme (OGADEP) for establishment of cocoa on-farm adaptive research at Sora-Baale in Ogun State to demonstrate good agricultural practices (GAP) in establishment and management of cocoa plantation.
- Hosting of educational institutions on excursion to CRIN for dissemination of research information. Farmers, students from primary, secondary schools and higher institutions are frequently taken round the Institute by extension personnel and are briefed on CRIN mandates.
- Cashew seedlings germinated from heavier and bigger nut sizes (Jumbo nuts) that have better field performance than the lighter and smaller nuts of cashew have been transferred to farmers.
- CRIN transferred rehabilitation methods on moribund cocoa and coffee plantations using various methods such as coppicing, complete farm replanting, planting under old cocoa trees etc.
Farmers in Ogun State were trained on the use of kola pod husk in the following ways:
- Animal feed was compounded with kola pod husks that were hitherto .
- Snails (African giant snails) were raised on kola testa and kola pod husk ration.
- Organic fertilizer was produced from kola pod husk.
- CRIN was involved in the National Cocoa Development Committee's (NCDC) sensitization and training programme on cocoa rehabilitation.
- Training of cocoa farmers on cocoa rehabilitation, cocoa maintenance practices in conjunction with Justice Peace Development Commission (JPDC)
- For increased cocoa production in Nigeria, CRIN organised training for some Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) extension agents and cocoa farmers on good agricultural practices required in cocoa production in Osun State.
- In order to meet European Union (EU) Regulation/Standard in cocoa production, CRIN embarked on sensitization and awareness creation at Ase-Igbo (Idanre Local Government Area of Ondo State) on the pesticides recommended for farmers' use to ensure good cocoa bean quality.
- Distribution of hybrid cocoa pods, cocoa seedlings and cashew nuts to States, individual farmers, organisations etc. on demand.
- Exhibition of CRIN developed technologies at different occasions such as the Annual National Cocoa Day, Trade fairs, Farmers' Day, and Agricultural shows among others were regularly undertaken.
- Participation in the annual Research Extension Farmers'Input Linkage System (REFILS) South West, South East and North zone of the country.
- The established Ikereku farm had been visited and 1000 seedlings of high yield coffee and plantain suckers (for shade provision) have been planted to rehabilitate the abandoned coffee farm. Farmers are being encouraged to adopt the new improved coffee seedling.
- Training of women and stakeholders on the production of liquid soap from cocoa pod husk.

Dr C.I Illoyanomon
Head, Agronomy and soils