Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings

I extend my heartfelt greetings to each and every one of you as we come together to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Christmas season is a period of reflection and gratitude to Almighty God for the gift of His only begotten son.

As we embrace the joy of this season, let us remember the less privileged and find ways to spread the act of kindness and goodwill to them.

May the spirit of yuletide guide us to make a positive impact on the lives of others in society.

I am proud of everyone of you over the years, especially your cooperation during the 60th anniversary celebration and RIGAN games festival hosting. I am confident that the coming year will bring greater opportunities for progress, growth, and breakthrough.

On behalf of my family and CRIN management, I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas. May the season be filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of the moment.

Cheers to a prosperous and more fulfilling year ahead!

Dr Patrick Adebola

The Executive Director

Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria

Previous Milestone Role Models’ Award Received by the Executive Director

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The Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) was established in Ibadan, Oyo State on 1st December, 1964 as a successor autonomous rese arch organisation to the Nigerian Substation of the defunct West African Cocoa Research Institute (WACRI)

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