Visit of the NRCRI Team to CRIN Mambilla Substation on the Potato CFT Project Site Inspection Tour

The team in the field during inspection of chosen site.

Visit of the NRCRI Team to CRIN Mambilla Substation on the Potato CFT Project Site Inspection Tour

There was an official request by the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Abia State to establish a ‘Confined Field Trial (CFT) of Biotech Potato’ at CRIN Mambilla Substation, Taraba State. On behalf of the Executive Director (ED), NRCRI, the request was presented by Dr. Charles Amadi, the Principal Investigator of the project, and was received by the ED CRIN on 6th of February, 2023. The ED conveyed approval to this effect via the Director (Production and Substations), who also did the same via the Head of Station (HoS), CRIN Mambilla Substation. Among other things, the NRCRI requested for 0.3hectare plot within CRIN Mambilla Substation for the CFT which is intended to be set up in July 2023. This site has been provided by CRIN at the desired location. Being a Biotech plant material (being tested for the ‘late blight’ disease of potato), the experiment is being conducted with the supervision of the National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA).

Sequel to the above, a team composed of NRCRI and NBMA officials visited the CRIN Mambilla Substation on Saturday, 22nd April, 2023 to confirm the suitability of the site provided by CRIN for the proposed CFT trial. They were introduced by the substation staff to the site provided for the proposed experiment. The NRCRI scientist confirmed the suitability of the site and land. The NBMA official also agreed with the suitability of the location, particularly as regards the biosafety issues bothering the handling of the plant material in question, given the eventual establishment of the CFT at the location.

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